Management Systems


An Integrated Management system acts as a complete framework for the organization. The main motive of integrated management system is to integrate all the management systems in the organization which results in continuous improvement, further enhancing the quality of projects and maintains the environment, safety, and health standards uniformly. This ensures work effectiveness, employee efficiency, safety and customer satisfaction.

Ramky Infra Ltd has adopted an integrated approach towards quality, environment and health and safety and has also subsumed them in business.

Quality Management Systems (QMS):

The Quality Management System at Ramky Infra Ltd is accredited to ISO 9001:2015 as per latest standards and also, internationally certified and audited by TUV Nord India subsidiary to TUV Germany in all the operating sectors and business locations. This helps in the strategic decisions as well as provides a firm base for sustainable development initiatives.

Ramky Infra Ltd complies with all applicable laws i.e. labor, taxation, and safety and so on. High compliance with labor laws is one of the matters of pride for Ramky Infra Ltd. The management system is a unique platform which is completed with establishment, documentation, implementation, audits and certification accomplishment. It also involves development of various checklists, guidelines, formats, reports, procedures, process mappings, and manuals

Environment conservation and employee safety are the responsibilities of an organization. The statutory framework employs reusing and recycling as the top priority, solving the issue of disposal of industrial waste catering to the environmental safety. The Environment and Occupational Health & Safety management systems adhere to strict standards namely EMS ISO 1400:2015 and BS OHSAS 18001:2007 respectively.

These standard compliances have also led the organization to win many accolades in the infrastructure industry.

British Safety council